3. November 2020 | 14:00 - 14:40
| Free‘CYBERSECURITY MADE IN EUROPE’: A new label for a stronger and more competitive European cybersecurity market
Virtual press event
European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) invites you to attend a virtual press conference to launch its new ‘Cybersecurity Made In Europe’ label. You will have the unique opportunity to personally hear about this ground-breaking initiative which has never been done at European level before.
DATE: Tuesday, 3 November 2020
TIME: 14:00 – 14:40 CET
LOCATION: Online. Details to be communicated separately upon acceptance of the invitation.
To confirm your attendance, contact Alexander Cook, ECSO Media Team: alexander.cook@ecs-org.eu
‘Cybersecurity Made in Europe’ label is an industry-driven marketing tool, designed to promote European cybersecurity companies and increase their visibility on the European market and on the global market more generally.
As part of ECSO’s goal to federate the European cybersecurity ecosystem, it has engaged a network of organisations from across Europe to act as the issuing partners for this project.
The cybersecurity market in Europe is fragmented and still some distance from full maturity. The ‘Cybersecurity Made In Europe’ label will raise awareness of the strategic value of cybersecurity companies originating in Europe and developing their business based on trustworthy European values.
ECSO believes the ‘Cybersecurity Made In Europe’ label will contribute strongly towards our vision of a cyber secure digital Europe through a strong and competitive European cybersecurity industry.
ECSO Secretary-General and cybersecurity thought leader, Luigi Rebuffi, will be joined by a renown European integrator of cybersecurity solutions to share the news and the added value of the Label with you directly.
About European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO)
European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is a non-for-profit organisation, established by contractual Public-Private Partnership (cPPP) in 2016. ECSO unites more than 260 European cybersecurity stakeholders, including large companies, SMEs and start-ups, research centres, universities, end-users, operators, associations, as well as regional and national administrations. European Cyber Security Organisation (ECSO) is a non-for-profit organisation, established in 2016. ECSO works with its members and partners to develop a competitive European cybersecurity ecosystem providing trusted cybersecurity solutions and advancing Europe’s cybersecurity posture and its technological independence. More information: www.ecs-org.eu.