Bosch CyberCompare is a knowledge and brokerage platform for companies. We support medium-sized companies in finding the right provider for their individual security requirements in the fragmented cyber security market. With our platform, which is free of charge for customers, you save time and make the best use of your budget. All providers are vetted by us.
Bosch CyberCompare
C/o grow platform GmbH (A Bosch Company)
Grönerstraße 9
71636 Ludwigsburg
Web: www.cybercompare.de
E-Mail: cybercompare@de.bosch.com
Bosch CyberCompare is a knowledge and mediation platform in the field of cybersecurity for companies with a focus on IT, OT and IoT topics. We support customers in 3 ways: with diagnostics, market studies and comprehensive tenders.
We offer our diagnostics for the entire corporate IT/OT, individual locations or for networked devices (IoT). In addition to a cross-comparison with similar companies and the state of the art, we propose concrete recommendations for action and an implementation roadmap. If required, we support our clients in further detailing the roadmap.
We conduct our practice-oriented market studies on a customer-specific basis for various cyber security services (e.g. OT monitoring, remote maintenance or GRC) and thus provide transparency on the provider market.
Based on your requirement profile, we carry out anonymous tenders under the Bosch brand as the core of our service offer and provide you with a list of suitable and tested provider profiles for all cyber security-relevant topics without spreading sensitive information in the market. Often, customers therefore receive better conditions and the tender is free of charge for the customer and saves valuable resources in the specialist departments.